Wooden Medical Exam Tables: Pros and Cons
Wood medical exam tables have been used by medical professionals for centuries. Before stainless steel and power exam tables were commonplace, it was wood that professionals relied on to help treat patients.
Today, wooden medical exam tables have come a long way from the basic design. That’s why many medical exam table manufacturers still offer high-quality, heavy-duty wooden medical exam tables. Read on to learn more about the pros and cons of treatment tables made from these mat
5th Sep 2022
5 Reasons to Buy Refurbished Medical Exam Tables
Are you in need of updated medical equipment, but your budget says otherwise? Opting for refurbished medical exam tables and other secondhand devices instead of brand new products can help you save when it’s time to invest. Refurbished medical examination tables and medical bedside tables are equally useful and effective, and can provide your patients comfort, safety, and peace of mind.
Here are five reasons to get your medical exam tables refurbished over brand new.1. Cost Effectiveness
4th Sep 2022
How to Set Up a Podiatry Clinic: What Equipment You Need
Setting up any type of medical clinic is no small feat, and this is especially true for a podiatry practice. From the initial office design to choosing the right podiatry equipment and supplies, all these steps are important for creating an efficient space.
Read on to learn about how to set up a podiatry clinic to make the patient care cycle more comfortable and streamlined for everyone involved.Necessary Podiatry Equipment and Supplies
In a broad sense, podiatrists are medical speci
28th Jul 2022
5 Uses for Your Treatment Table That You Never Knew
A treatment table is a staple in most medical offices and private practices. These tables feature a flat top and sturdy legs, though the table design can vary based on your needs and can also include memory foam adjustable headrests and more for patient comfort.
While treatment tables may appear basic at first, they are extremely versatile and a necessity for most healthcare professionals and other healthcare providers. Read on to learn about some uses for a treatment table that you may
24th Jul 2022
How to Disinfect Medical Tables
Keeping your medical supplies, including tables and chairs, clean is important to the integrity of your practice. Proper disinfecting is essential for stopping the spread of pathogens that cause disease to keep your patient safe. Additionally, routine cleaning can make your medical exam table parts last longer.
Properly disinfecting medical tables takes more than a wet wipe or some soap and water. Read on to learn the ins and outs of how to clean this important medical equipment.M
30th Jun 2022