7 Reasons to Put a Midmark 626 Exam Table in Your Clinic

7 Reasons to Put a Midmark 626 Exam Table in Your Clinic

When it comes time to choose a new exam table for your practice, there’s a lot to consider. You want to ensure you’re purchasing an exam table that will help improve patient outcomes and help your staff operate more efficiently. And, of course, it needs to be within budget and able to fit in your space.

One high-quality exam chair to consider is the Midmark 626 Exam Table. Read on to learn more about the qualities that make this exam table a great option for many practices and clinics.

1. Superior Weight Capacity

The Midmark 626 table offers a 650 pound patient weight capacity to make care more accessible to all your patients. This superior weight capacity is a testament to how durable the Midmark 626 barrier free exam table truly is.

The wide seat and soft touch premium seamless upholstery create a comfortable experience for every patient. This is especially important as obesity rates in the United States remain high. According to recent research, almost 42% of U.S. adults are obese. These patients often require more care for chronic illnesses, so it’s essential to have an exam table that can safely accommodate them.

2. Barrier-Free Design

One of the biggest draws of this exam table is its barrier-free design. Many people do not realize how things like armrests and chair heights can make care inaccessible to patients with disabilities.

According to the Midmark 626 service manual, the barrier-free low chair height allows the majority of patients, even female patients with heights in the 3rd percentile, to place their feet flat on the floor.

Overall, the Midmark 626 exam table is designed to make care accessible for the majority of patients regardless of their weight, height, or capabilities.

3. Accurate Blood Pressure Measurements

Taking an accurate blood pressure measurement is a process many health systems struggle with. While the American Heart Association shares many ways to reduce blood pressure inaccuracy, oftentimes these suggestions aren’t followed.

Sometimes, individuals are unaware of how small changes, like not having their feet flat on the floor, can increase their measurement. Or, they may not be able to do so because chairs are too high and can’t be moved.

The Midmark 626 exam table is described as “the first chair of its kind designed to promote proper patient positioning for a more accurate blood pressure measurement.” It allows staff to easily position patients for a better BP measurement and includes powered movement of the back section to ensure the patient's back is supported while their feet remain flat on the floor.

As the industry’s only exam chair to help facilitate a better BP measurement, the Midmark 626 is a must for your practice. Along with the previously mentioned attributes, the exam table also allows the majority of patients, even female patients with heights in the 3rd percentile, to place their feet flat on the floor for an accurate reading. Patient support rails also ensure the patient’s arms are supported at heart level for ideal positioning.

And perhaps the best part of the Midmark 626 is that automated BP measurement with data is sent directly to the EMR to help reduce transcription errors. The high-quality exam chair ensures accurate blood pressure readings while streamlining the process from start to finish.

4. Automated Vitals

If you want to streamline standard care processes, this exam table can help. The Midmark 626 can be integrated with IQvitals® to automatically take your patient’s vitals.

With a suite of tools like IQscale® available, the exam chair can quickly and discreetly weigh patients from the comfort of the exam chair. Then, this data is sent to the EMR in real-time.

Having an updated EMR is essential for providing higher quality and safer care for patients and it can also streamline processes at your practice.

5. Seamless Connectivity

The Midmark 626 is more than your average procedure chair or exam table, it’s an entire system. Your staff can utilize the Midmark IQconnect® framework to connect their devices to your larger EMR system.

Your staff can operate all of their diagnostic devices and more and have the peace of mind the data is seamlessly transferred to the EMR from their computer screen. This empowers your staff to complete processes faster and focus on what truly matters - connecting with and treating patients rather than dealing with data entry and tech fixes.

And when your staff is able to streamline operations, you can improve your practice’s bottom line. By optimizing treatments and facilities, you can easily see more patients. In the healthcare industry time is money, and the right exam tables can help you save precious minutes which can translate to more dollars.

6. Pass-Thru Drawer Design & Clean Assist Roller System

When looking for a new exam table, you should always consider space requirements. The Midmark 626 barrier free exam table can be incorporated into many office spaces. The removable armrests make the chair more accessible and also save space.

Also, the pass-thru drawer design means there is no need to specify RH or LH. This gives you more flexibility as to where you can place your exam chair in your office. And as your space changes, the Midmark 626 can be easily moved to meet your needs.

Plus, the Midmark 626 comes with a Clean Assist Roller System. This addition can be easily activated so you can move and clean your exam chair when needed. During these times, it’s more important than ever to practice proper infection control and the Clean Assist Roller System makes it easier for your staff to properly disinfect your exam table.

7. Customize Your Color

Finally, we can’t forget to mention that you can customize your Midmark 626 with different upholstery and drawer panel colors. These small details can go a long way in making your office a more welcoming place.

Choose from a variety of upholstery colors so your exam table can match the aesthetic of your office. Gone are the days of sterile and dull exam tables when you can choose colors that match your style and help put your patients at ease.

Shop the Midmark 626 Exam Table today from ExamTablesDirect or browse other exam tables and medical furniture from this trusted brand.

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9th Jan 2023 Exam Tables Direct

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